Art therapy
Art therapy

A personal testimony about Biorelativity meditation

Voorbeeld van afbeelding

For the early part of my life I was never taught about the benefits of meditation. My family were religious, not spiritual, and there was never any awareness of this aspect of life. Also, the Catholic Church never mentioned meditation in their teachings. I’m not a person who can just sit thinking about nothing. I like a meditation with a job to do. Since joining Group of Forty and being involved in the Biorelativity meditations I now meditate every day and this has made a profound difference in my energy field. I have an inner peace, an inner serenity that was missing before. There was a restlessness in me and that has gone. My ability to maintain a focus without the mind wandering has increased dramatically. I feel my vibration, my spiritual light quotient, is not only higher, but more powerful. We are all different and we each have to find the meditation modality that suits our individual temperament.

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